

Missionary Independent Spiritual Church and Ms. Robin Present


Hoodoo Heritage Festival and Open House Party

Saturday and Sunday,
May 4th and 5th, 2013

For the seventh consecutive year, Missionary Independent Spiritual Church is sponsoring Our Hands-on Hoodoo Training Workshops in Forestville, California.

These classes in African American folk magic, root work, and hoodoo will teach you practical tricks and tips to take your conjure work to a new level of confidence and knowledge. In addition to spell casting, we also showcase the mystery and magic of world-wide folk religions.

Registration for classes begins during the month of JANUARY, 2013. Pre-payment is by Paypal. We encourage folks to sign up well ahead of the event, as some of these classes have limited enrollment.

There is no charge to attend the Blessing Ceremony, Party, or Open House.

Make your travel plans now to attend this unique 2-Day Festival of Folk Magic and Spirituality!

Please join us.


Workshop Program Schedule:
Pre-registration begins January 2013!

Presenter Biographies:
Meet the teachers!

Open Tent Readings:
Tarot, palmistry, and more!



Missionary Independent Spiritual Church:
Ladies Auxiliary

2015 Hoodoo Heritage Festival Facebook Event Page:
Stay in touch with breaking news!

Hoodoo Rootwork Apprenticeships (May 11-15, 2015):
Contact Heidi Simpson at

For Visitors:
Driving directions

For Travelers:
A list of good places to stay in the Russian River Area

Take Hands-On Southern Style Hoodoo Classes!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Sunday, May 5, 2013

10:00 AM - Saturday, May 4, 2013

Opening Ceremony - Walking the Labyrinth

The Weekend opens with a CONVOCATIONAL CEREMONY led by MISS ELVYRA, with assistance from DR. JOHANNES. All are welcome as we circle together and open the roads to a wonderful weekend.

This event is free to all, and all workshop attendees and presenters are cordially invited to be present.

You will be blessed!

COST: FREE! - This is an outdoor ceremony, weather permitting.  (Donations for prosperity accepted.)

Eventbrite - Opening Ceremony - Walking the Labyrinth


10:00 AM - Sunday, May 5, 2013

Catholic Saint Packets for love, money, and blessings

LOU FLOREZ will be teaching a workshop on the use and construction of packets dedicated to the Catholic saints. These packets, traditionally used in Mexican Folk Magic, are a powerful way to call upon the Catholic Saints for their blessings and assistance for many purposes including love, money and blessings. LOU will present the history and significance of these special CATHOLIC SAINT PACKETS, and teach you how to construct a Catholic Saint Packet of your own to take home. ALL MATERIALS SUPPLIED.

TAKE HOME: An instructional flyer and more.

COST: $30.00

Eventbrite - Catholic Saint Packets for love, money, and blessings

11:30 AM - Saturday, May 4, 2013

Hoodoo Foods and Conjure Cook-Off: Bread Bewitchery

SISTER ROBIN PETERSEN and Dr. JOHANNES GARDBACK will present the ANNUAL CONJURE COOK-OFF, plus a new spiritual cookery workshop on world-wide traditions of folk-magic using breads and pancakes -- with special emphasis on the importance of Bread Spells in Scandinavian Trolldom. Edible samples will be shared, but Norse bread-magic is not all about eating: Johannes will demonstrate ancient Swedish rituals and rites of cleaning, curing, and protection with bread, and the use of pancakes in dream divination. Then, the judging begins -- as participants taste and rate the entries in our annual Conjure Cook-Off, and prizes are awarded! All materials supplied, plus a free flyer outlining all the spells, and, of course, a free copy of the "2013 Hoodoo Food! Rootwork Recipe Round-Up and Conjure Cook-Off" cookbook. (For which the deadline for recipe submissions to be printed is April 1, 2012.) ALL MATERIALS SUPPLIED. Bring your magical foods to be judged by workshop participants! Prizes will be awarded to the top three conjure cooks. Extra "Hoodoo Food!" recipe booklets will be sold to benefit the work of Missionary Independent Spiritual Church. Any food not eaten by participants at the workshop will become part of the general Party Potluck.

TAKE HOME: An instructional flyer, a 2013 "Hoodoo Food!" Cook Book, and a fully functional Bread Spell for use in your home.

COST: $20.00

Eventbrite - Hoodoo Foods and Conjure Cook-Off: Bread Bewitchery

11:30 AM - Sunday, May 5, 2013

Rustic Oil Lamps in the Conjure Tradition

DR. E. brings us a brand new workshop on how to make and use rustic hoodoo oil lamps out of household items filled with root, plant, and mineral allies for every magical intention. Learn how to make lamps out of mason jars, decorative bowls, and even fruits or vegetables! These lamps are fueled with natural vegetable oils, like olive or sunflower oil, preventing the strong aroma associated with traditional kerosene lamps. Attendees will learn how to build the lamps hands-on, how to utilize them in conjure work, and how they can be used as perpetual lights on your altar. If you have any special hoodoo curios that you would like to include, bring them to the workshop and Dr. E. will instruct you how to incorporate it into your lamp. As former attendees of his workshops know, Dr. E.'s presentations are dynamic, instructional, and down-home AUTHENTIC!

TAKE HOME: An instructional flyer, and you will craft a fully-functioning rustic oil lamp to take home and use on your altar!

COST: $40.00

Eventbrite - Rustic Oil Lamps in the Conjure Tradition

1:00 PM - Saturday, May 4, 2013

Contact Conjure: Hands-On Rites and Techniques

KHI ARMAND demonstrates the time-honored tradition of hands-on cleansing and blessing of a person's body. Learn old-school conjure methods, including the use of feather whisks to take off messes, asperging and spraying of waters for peace, spiritual foot washing to cleanse away negativity, blessing of the hands, and cleansing of the head. Watch as KHI shares the historical and spiritual significance of these techniques, demonstrates them on willing participants, and teaches you how to perform these works for yourself, your family members, or as a professional root doctor in service to others. ALL MATERIALS SUPPLIED.

TAKE HOME: An instructional flyer, Peace Water, a laundry sprinkler, and a bottle for your own hands-on cleansings.

COST: $35.00

Eventbrite - Contact Conjure: Hands-On Rites and Techniques

1:00 PM - Sunday, May 5, 2013

Secrets of Hoodoo Honey and Sugar Spells

DEACON MILLETT will hold a dynamic workshop on the subject of Honey Jars, Sugar Boxes, and Powdered Sugar Spells for conjuring love, money, business, academic success, legal victories, and more. The Deacon specializes in Honey-Love and Honey Reconciliation, and will share the secrets that have made him famous world-wide for his Sweet Southern Conjuring. He will be presenting the debut of his brand-new book on Sugar and Honey Magic in the Hoodoo Tradition!

TAKE HOME: Your own personal sweetening conjure and a 96-page illustrated book by Deacon Millett on the Secrets of Hoodoo Honey and Sugar Spells.

COST: $30.00

Eventbrite - Secrets of Hoodoo Honey and Sugar Spells

2:30 PM - Saturday May 4, 2013

Skull Sorcery

CONJUREMAN ALI will be teaching a special class on SKULLS AND SKULL CANDLES: Secret techniques to influence, persuade, and compel the mind and heart of a person for love, healing, revenge and much more. The class will also go over little known methods of how to house and employ a spirit-helper or ancestor through skulls and skull candles for the purpose of influencing others. The history and uses of skulls and skull candles in a variety of cultures will be discussed as well as their use in hoodoo. Each student will learn authentic and powerful techniques from the forgotten roots of hoodoo and will take home a fully-prepared and fixed ritual skull candle. ALL MATERIALS SUPPLIED.

TAKE HOME: An instructional flyer and a prepared skull candle.

COST: $35.00

Eventbrite - Skull Sorcery

2:30 PM - Sunday May 5, 2013

Queer Conjure and Love Workings: Attracting LGBTQ Relationships

KHI ARMAND, DR. E., MISS MICHAELE, LOU FLOREZ, ROBIN PETERSEN, LISA WARRICK, AND DEACON MILLETT will conduct a fast-moving and fun panel presentation in which they will lay out their favourite (and lesser-known) love spells to attract Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transexual sex, romance, relationships, and marriage. Learn all about the hidden history of Queer Conjure and how it has evolved with changing times -- plus the real down-low on how to work with traditional same-sex love herbs, roots, and minerals. Note: (Because we've already been asked!) You do not need to be Queer to attend this workshop. :-) ALL MATERIALS SUPPLIED

TAKE HOME: A bottle of same-sex love oil, and a packet of hoodoo sachet powders for Queer Love.

COST: $25.00

Eventbrite - Queer Conjure and Love Workings: Attracting LGBTQ Relationships

4:00 PM - Saturday, May 4, 2013

Candle Magic and Candle Ministries: Hands-On Training

CATHERINE YRONWODE will be introducing her brand new 96 page book on THE ART OF HOODOO CANDLE MAGIC and will discuss and describe candle spells performed by private practitioners, candle ministry services offered by professional root doctors to their clients, how to conduct candle-light services for the public in a Spiritualist church context, and, of course, how to prepare candles and read divinations from them. ALL MATERIALS SUPPLIED.

TAKE HOME: A complete 96 page book on Candle Magic by catherine yronwode, plus an altar light, a star holder, a double action candle, a figural candle, a vigil light candle, and a dram of dressing oil.

COST: $40.00

Eventbrite - Candle Magic and Candle Ministries: Hands-On Training

4:00 PM - Sunday May 5, 2013

The Art of Tarot: Design Your Own Divination Deck

MICHELE JACKSON will be teaching a fast-paced, spiritually-centered, and engaging workshop to harness your own creative potential by bringing your own Tarot or Lenormand divination deck into being. No artistic talent is needed! By using magazine images and collages, you can make your very own custom divination cards that speak in the language of your own soul. You will be amazed at how well a deck created with images chosen by you reveals its meanings to you on both an intellectual and intuitive level. All materials will be provided, but you are also invited to bring colour copies, not originals, of 3" X 5" or smaller images of your own choosing, if you wish. You'll take home your own designed card and a bottle of Psychic Vision Oil to continue the creative process as you craft your completed deck at home. ALL MATERIALS SUPPLIED.

TAKE HOME: an instructional flyer, your own hand-made tarot card, and a bottle of Psychic Vision Oil.

COST: $30.00

Eventbrite - The Art of Tarot: Design Your Own Divination Deck

5:30 PM - Saturday, May 4, 2013

Hoodoo One-on-One With Ms. Robin

MS. ROBIN has put together a unique learning experience aimed specifically at hoodoo beginners and students. Learn the essential conjure skills used in love charms, gambling spells, and black magic curses. Ms. Robin will lead you, in the hands-on construction of your own mojo bag, an annointing oil, and a doll baby. She will also demonstrate how to use these items in her famous coffin spell! This class is an intense 2-hour learning experience, not a lecture class. This is a once in a lifetime, total-immersion workshop in which each student will receive personal step-by-step instruction. Seating for this session is limited to rootwork beginners and students. Enrollment will be closed when all of the available spaces are taken.

TAKE HOME: You will make and take home your own mojo bag, anointing oil, doll-baby, and coffin spell. All materials supplied.

COST: $75.00

Eventbrite - Hoodoo One-on-One With Ms. Robin

5:30 PM - Sunday, May 5, 2013

High-Tech Hoodoo: Conjuring Through Current Technologies

KAST EXCELSIOR will be presenting this workshop on utilizing the often-overlooked devices of our modern lifestyles that can be seamlessly woven into our conjure work. Historically, Hoodoo has made practical use of newly developed technologies as magical tools and resources. In this workshop, we'll explore how you can personally tap into the Elements of Cyber/Digital/Multi-Media and Beyond to effect reality through use of the Traditional Principles of Conjure.

TAKE HOME: An instructional flyer, a glass Conjure Plate ready to use in the spell-work of your choice, AND a Limited Edition double-disc CD of Hoodoo Music (hand-picked by Miss Cat) & customizable Conjure Clip Art to use in spells for years to come.

COST: $35.00

Eventbrite - High-Tech Hoodoo: Conjuring Through Current Technologies


Saturday, May 4 - Sunday, May 5, 2013

The following members of The Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers (AIRR) and other professionals will be on site during the Apprenticeship Week and Workshop Weekend and will be offering readings. Take advantage of some great discount prices for attendees only, and the opportunity to get an in-person reading with someone you might not otherwise have a chance to meet:

ConjureMan AliConjureMan Ali: Tarot and Geomancy Life Readings

Availability: May 4 - 5 from 9:00 AM - Sunset, except when attending workshops.
Cost: Tarot $30.00 / 30 minutes; Geomancy $40 - cash only
Scheduling: Readings are on a first-come, first-served basis.

Miss cat yronwodeMiss cat: Palmistry Plus Tarot

Availability: May 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, after 5:00 PM; one reading per evening only.
Cost: $30.00 / 30 minutes; payment in cash or pre-pay via Paypal.
Scheduling: Please pre-schedule via Bookeo at and pre-pay via Paypal.

Dr. E.Dr. E.: Tarot, Bone Readings and Santeria Cowrie Shell Readings

Availability: May 4 - 5 from 9 AM to Sunset, except when at workshops.
Cost: $40.00 / 30 minutes; payment in cash or credit card.
Scheduling: Readings are on a first-come, first-served basis.

Miss ElvyraMiss Elvyra: Tarot Card Readings

Availability: May 4 - 5 from 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM, except when attending workshops.
Cost: $30.00 / 30 minutes; payment in cash or pre-pay via Paypal.
Scheduling: Please pre-schedule via LMCCo. 707-887-1521.

Kast ExcelsiorKast Excelsior: Bone Readings (Throwing the Bones)

Availability: May 4 - 5 from 9:00 AM - Sunset, except when attending workshops.
Cost: $30.00 / 30 minutes; $15.00 / 15 minutes; payment in cash only.
Scheduling: Readings are on a first-come, first-served basis.

Khi ArmandKhi Armand: Hands-On Personal Spiritual Cleansing

Availability: May 4 - 5 from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM, except when attending workshops.
Cost: $30.00 / 30 minutes; payment in cash only.
Scheduling: You may pre-schedule via Additional slots may also be available on a first-come-first served basis.

Lou FlorezLou Florez: Tarot Card Readings

Availability: May 4 - 5 from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM, except when attending workshops.
Cost: $30.00 / 30 minutes; payment in cash or pre-pay via Paypal.
Scheduling: You may pre-schedule via Bookeo at Additional slots may also be available on a first-come-first served basis.

Miss MichaeleMiss Michaele: Tarot and Bibliomancy

Availablity: May 4 - 5 from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM, except when attending workshops.
Cost: $30 / 30+ minutes; payment in cash.
Scheduling: Readings are on a first-come, first-served basis.

Madame NadiaMadame Nadia: Lenormand Card Reading

Availability: May 4 - 5 from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM, except when attending workshops.
Cost: $40 / 30 minutes; payment in cash or pre-pay via Paypal.
Scheduling: Please pre-schedule on Madame Nadia's page: and pre-pay via Paypal.

Ms. RobinMs. Robin: Crystal Ball and Spiritual Readings

Availability: May 5th from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM, except when attending workshops.
Cost: $30 / 30+ minutes; payment in cash.
Scheduling: Readings are on a first-come, first-served basis.

ConjureMan AliConjureMan Ali: Born in Virginia and trained from an early age as the heir of his family's spiritual tradition of talismanic magic, astrology, bibliomancy, and the spiritual practices of the Near East, ConjureMan Ali, proprietor of ConjureMan Spiritual Practice, AIRR associate, reader at Hoodoo Psychics, member of the Board of Directors of YIPPIE (the Yronwode Institution for the Preservation and Popularization of Indigenous Ethnomagicology), and Tata Quimbanda, brings a unique perspective to his traditional hoodoo and conjure workshop on working with Skulls to contact spirits, and with skull candles to influence the thoughts of others.

Deacon MillettDeacon Millett: The pastor of Four Altars Gospel Sanctuary candle ministry in the Southern California High Desert, an AIRR Associate, a member of the Board of Bishops of Missionary Independent Spiritual Churches, and the founder of the online Hoodoo Psychics reading service, Deacon Millett is best known for his love spells, reconciliation magic, and astrological compatibility readings, He will debut his new book on Sugar and Honey spells at his workshop and will also participate in the Queer Conjure Colloquium.

Dr. E.Dr. E.: Dr. E. is a two-headed conjure doctor, astrologer, spiritual medium, priest of Chango, and proprietor of Dr. E. Products in Los Angeles, California. He is also a priest of Chango in Santeria, founder of the Santeria Church of the Orishas - a part of the Missionary Independent Spiritual Church movement, and a respected associate of AIRR. Dr. E. will present a conjure class on how to make and use rustic style oil lamps in spell work, and will also participate in the Queer Conjure Colloquium. In addition, he will be offering private tarot card readings, bone readings, and diloggun (Santeria cowrie shell) consultations throughout the weekend.

Dr. JohannesJohannes Gardback: Coming all the way from Goteburg, Sweden, the proprietor of The is a folk magician in the ancient Scandinavian trolldom tradition and a root worker in the Southern conjure tradition as well. An AIRR associate, a reader at Hoodoo Psychics, and a member of the Board of Directors of YIPPIE (the Yronwode Institution for the Preservation and Popularization of Indigenous Ethnomagicology), he brings a deep understanding of the hidden European roots of much American folk magic, and will present an amazing demonstration of Bread and Pancake magic in Norse trolldom and African American conjure.

Kast ExcelsiorKast Excelsior: Born in Detroit, Michigan and raised in Southern California, Kast is a Los Angeles based rootworker and bone reader. Even as a musical recording artist and proprietor of Bowl & Fork Records, he continues with over 15 years of study and practice of energy work, occultism and multicultural forms of sorcery. His workshop, Hi-Tech Hoodoo: Conjuring Through Current Technologies, will integrate the power of conjure into our daily use of modern technology.

Khi ArmandKhi Armand: The proprietor of Conjure in the City in Berkeley, California, an AIRR associate, and a reader at Hoodoo Psychics, Khi is a shaman rootdoctor well known for his transformative hands-on spiritual healing and cleansing work with personal clients. This year he will be teaching Contact Conjure: Hands-on Rites and Techniques, and offering private healing and blessing appointments during the weekend. He will also be a panel-member in the Queer Conjure Colloquium.

Lisa WarrickLisa Warrick: A New Orleans born traditional conjure practitioner, rootworker, herbal healer, candle minister. and spiritual teacher, Lisa works at the Lucky Mojo Curio Company in Forestville, California and will be a panel-member in the Queer Conjure Colloquium.

Lou FlorezLou Florez: Trained by hoodoos, curanderos, rootworkers, and priests and priestess in West African traditions, Lou is Baba Shangobeyi, an olorisha in the Ifa tradition and a tata nkisi in the Bakongo tradition, An AIRR associate, a reader at Hoodoo Psychics, a Deacon at Missionary Independent Spiritual Church. Lou currently resides in Guerneville, California, and brings his Chicano heritage to the fore in the crafting of Latin American, Catholic Saint packet amulets for love, protection, money, and luck. He will also be offering private readings and will participate in the Queer Conjure Colloquium.

Michele JacksonMichele Jackson: Well known in the tarot community and the creator of several beautiful tarot decks, Michele has inspired a generation of tarot diviners and tarot deck collectors. Her work can be seen in The Encyclopedia of Tarot and her decks are in tarot museums and some of the finest tarot collections. A skilled diviner and practitioner of hoodoo rootwork based in San Diego, California, Michele will teach a transformative workshop in the Art of Tarot: Making Your Own Personal Divination Deck.

Miss cat yronwodeMiss Cat Yronwode: The co-owner of the Lucky Mojo Curio Co. in Forestville, California, an AIRR Associate, a member of Hoodoo Psychics, and the author of "Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic," "Hoodoo in Theory and Practice," "Hoodoo Rootwork Correspondence Course," and "Throwing the Bones," catherine will be teaching an in-depth mini-course in candle magic, featuring hands-on training in working with many styles of candles; she will also introduce the Queer Conjure Colloquium.

Miss ElvyraMiss Elvyra: A member if AIRR and a reader and rootworker at Missionary Independent Spiritual Church, Miss Elvyra has over forty years experience in tarot card reading, astrology, numerology, conjure doctoring and spell casting, qabala, geomancy, feng shui, bone reading, hypnotherapy, creative visualization, Reichian breath work, Reiki energy work, Amanae bodywork, Wicca, hoodoo, and Hawaiian navigational energy work.She brings her lifetime of multicultural training and practice to our Labyrinth Opening Ceremony, which is dedicated to the Anatolian triple-goddess Hekate.

Miss MichaeleMiss Michaele: The proprietor of Hoodoo Foundry and pastor of Aunt Caroline Dye Memorial Chapel in Willetts, California, an an AIRR Associate, Miss Michaele is also the Chairwoman of the AIRR Pro Bono Fund, which distributes free readings and rootwork to those in need. A well-known reader at Hoodoo Psychics, she will be offering private readings throughout the weekend and will be a member of the Queer Conjure Colloquium panel.

Deacon MillettMs. Robin: Ms. Robin is the Bay Area's premier spiritual sister, a gifted reader, root worker, and radio personality. She, along with miss catherine yronwode, founded the Annual MISC Hoodoo Rootwork Workshops. She is best known for her money spells, gambling luck spells, love spells, curse spells and doll baby spells. This year, Ms. Robin presents her unique Hoodoo One-on-One workshop tailored for new-comers and students. She will also be available for crystal ball and spiritual readings.

Robin PetersenSister Robin ("Red Robin"): The Shop Manager of the Lucky Mojo Curio Co. and founder of the Santisima Muerte Chapel of Perpetual Pilgrimage presents one of our perennially popular classes -- our annual Hoodoo Food! workshop, featuring the use of edible magical herbs and grocery store ingredients in all manner of spell-work recipes; she will also participate in the Queer Conjure Colloquium.


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